Meridian Wellbeing
Counselling and Hypnotherapy
... to achieve lasting change
Online or In-Person Sessions - Based in Stirling
* An Inspirational Client Story - Linda
* An Inspirational Client Story - Linda
I was delighted when Linda, one of my previous clients, kindly agreed to allow me to share her story as an inspiration to others considering hypnotherapy to help them to make the positive changes they desire for their lives.
Linda booked up for the Hypnotherapy Gastric Band in January 2014, which involves 3 x 1 hour individual hypnotherapy sessions and a follow-up CD. While her story is not typical, it is remarkable for anyone who is interested in learning about the power of hypnotherapy for losing weight, or indeed any changes they want to make in their lives. I was delighted to receive the following email message in May, only 4 months later.

* "Hi Vicky,
I hope this email finds you well,
I am just sending you an email to let you know my progress.
After having the last gastric band session with you on 27 January this year I have lost to date 5 Stone 1 Pound and I have dropped down 4 dress sizes.
I want to thank you and let you know that it has changed my life drastically, I am a lot more confident than I used to be, I am not on a diet I have made a complete lifestyle change, I haven't had any crisps, chocolates, cakes, sweets anything that's not healthy for me since you helped me.
Again this was just a message to thank you again.
Linda prior to her Hypnotherapy Gastric Band
Linda participated in my pilot of the new Weight Loss & Confidence Workshop Programme in August, at which point she had proudly lost just under 7 stone.
To ensure she is achieving maximum benefit from the hypnotherapy received in January, she booked in for a single refresher session in September, with which she received a new follow-up CD. She continues to make steady and effective progress towards her target, and has achieved not only weight loss, but a complete change, achieving a healthier lifestyle overall for herself, and also her family.

Linda having lost 7 stone…in only 7 months!
* Individual responses to hypnotherapy will vary, and results cannot be guaranteed. Results will vary from person to person.