Meridian Wellbeing
Counselling and Hypnotherapy
... to achieve lasting change
Online or In-Person Sessions - Based in Stirling

Self-Hypnosis Workshop
To become Relaxed, Confident & Focused
Self Hypnosis helps achieve desired changes, such as:
- reduce anxiety or stress
- relieve insomnia
- improve self-esteem and confidence
- stop smoking
- manage weight

In this Self-Hypnosis Workshop you will learn:
- relaxation techniques
- the power of self-talk & expectations
- how to control stress and anxiety
- positive self-imagery & goal setting techniques
- tools to improve performance
- *includes a self-hypnosis CD or MP3
Next Workshop:
When: TBC, 10:00 – 12:00
Where: Meridian Wellbeing Hypnotherapy, 57 Caltrop Place, Stirling FK7 7XS
Cost: £30
Participants: Min 2 - Max 5
Delivered by: Vicky McLeod, Analytical Hypnotherapist
Other Upcoming Dates, Tuesdays 10am - 12 noon:
Weight Loss & Body Confidence Workshop
Help to break free from dieting, cravings and emotional eating patterns
· Discover how stress interrupts weight loss, even when you’re exercising and eating healthily!
· Learn new tools to lower stress levels
· Find more effective ways to unwind from stress (rather than eating chocolate!)
· Overcome negative self-beliefs about your body, and embrace yourself whatever your size
· Learn how to make weight loss a positive side effect of feeling better about yourself, rather than the goal itself
· Get rid of the conflict with cravings, panic and insecurity in your body
· Develop an empowering, less stressful relationship with food & exercise
·Embed your learning using hypnotherapy and contemporary psychological techniques

This Workshop provides an excellent foundation from which to do the one-to-one 2 session Weight Loss Hypnotherapy or 3 session Hypnotherapy Gastric Band
Diets so often don’t work because they only address the outside, they don’t actually alter our dominant self-image or change our emotional eating habits.
Next Workshop:
When: Tues 12th June 2018, 10:00 -12:00
Where: Meridian Wellbeing Hypnotherapy, 57 Caltrop Place, Stirling FK7 7XS
Cost: £30
Delivered by: Vicky McLeod, Analytical Hypnotherapist
Other Upcoming Dates, Tuesdays 10am - 12 noon:
Fear of Flying Workshop
Next Workshop:
When: TBC, 10:00 -12:00

Where: Meridian Wellbeing Hypnotherapy, 57 Caltrop Place, Stirling FK7 7XS
Cost: £30
Delivered by: Vicky McLeod, Analytical Hypnotherapist
Other Upcoming Dates, Tuesdays 10am - 12 noon:
Feedback from previous workshops:
"Explained everything in simple terms."
"Useful techniques to use on self and with others."
"A very calming experience."
"I enjoyed the different aspects of hypnosis and tapping techniques."

"This way of looking at weight loss and body confidence is a revelation to me. I feel much more relaxed and confident. I now believe that over time, if I work on the emotions that cause me to overeat, the weight loss will just happen, or/and I will accept and love myself more."
"I now think tapping can solve all problems - and I tell everyone about it!"
"I feel much more relaxed overall as a person, addressing how I feel rather than how I look helps enormously. Tapping has given me a way of focussing on my feelings and has helped me to combat negative thoughts and turned them into positive feelings.."
"I now don't think about turning to food as much as a crutch. I am drinking water and enjoying it. I also have a more positive outlook.I know this will be long term and look forward to the benefits of positive thinking about how I look and feel."
"I have found that my self talk is a lot more positive and I am a lot less stressed. I have stopped drinking Irn Bru and don't crave chocolate or sweet things any more."
"Tapping has greatly improved the way I think about myself and how I treat myself. It has also made me more accepting of myself and others. I am overall a more confident and less stressful person that I was 4 weeks ago."
Vicky McLeod, Registered Hypnotherapist, Chartered Psychologist and TFT Diagnostic Practitioner combines her experience to provide a programme for weight loss that works from the inside out, creating more sustainable changes which can last a lifetime.
**I am also in the process of developing online versions of these workshops.**
For more information contact Vicky McLeod on 07859 063834 info@meridian-wellbeing.co.uk www.meridian-wellbeing.co.uk